Smart Drinking | Genius Brewing


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Smart Drinking is about smart choices.

Gen!us Craft Lager was the first UK craft beer to put calorie content and alcohol units on the front of our cans. On the back, industry-leading nutrition information details energy, carbs, sugars, protein and salt. You are what you drink!

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Bibe Sapienter: Drink Wisely The ancient Romans believed a good life was a balance of pleasure, health and wisdom. We do too!

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1 Unit A can of Gen!us Craft Lager contains exactly 1 unit of alcohol and 79 calories. It’s never been easier to stay ‘drink-aware’. 

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Calories Nobody wants a 'beer belly' but many craft beers come loaded with calories. Gen!us Craft Lager is 79 calories per can or bottle - less than an apple!